Ход занятия:
Teacher: Hello, children! I am glad to see you! Let's begin our lesson! Let's sing
the song « Good morning »!
Children: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning,
I am glad to see you!
Teacher: Well done! And now let's do our exercises with our tongue. Repeat after
me, please:
[ a: ]- car, star;
[ au ]- cow, mouse, house;
[ w ]- what, one, swim;
[ h ]- hop, hare, horse, hat, hen;
[ 0]- three, thank you;
[ Ъ]- this, that, those.
Good for you! Let's do our morning exercise! Stand up, please!
Children: Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on knees! Sit down!
Clap your hands! Stand up!
Stamp your feet! Hands up!
One, two, three, hop!
One, two, three, stop!
Teacher: Good for you, children! Sit down, please.
Встреча с гостем. Стук в дверь. Teacher: Oh, someone is knocking at the door! Who is it?
It's me.
Who are you?
That's a secret! Guess! Children:
Are you a cat ( frog, hedgehog, bear, dog,... )?
No, I am not! ( Yes, I am a hare! ) Teacher: Come in, hare!
Hare: Hello, children!
Children: Hello!
Hare: My name is Janny! I want to play with you! Let's be friends!
Children: Let's!
Teacher: Ребята, Дженни хочет поиграть и познакомиться с вами. Let's play the game with our little ball!
Игра с мячиком:
-What is your name? -My name is...
How are you?
I am OK ( fine, all right, so-so, ill )!
How old are you?
I am 4 ( 5 ).
Where do you live?
I live in Almetevsk.
Hare: It's nice to meet you!
Children: It's nice to meet you, too!
Teacher: Ребята, Дженни спрашивает меня, умеете ли вы считать?
Конечно, Дженни, мы и считать научились!
Children, let's count our ringers!
Children: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Teacher: Ramilya, how many boys are there in the room? Count, please!
Ramilya: One, two, three, four.
Teacher: Rinal, how many girls are there in the room? Count, please!
Rinal: One, two, three, four, five, six.
Teacher: Nastya, how many children are there in the room? Count, please!
Nastya: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Teacher: Well done. And now, let's play the game with numbers.
Is i t number four?
No, it is number six!
Is it number one?
Yes, it is number one!
Children, let's sing the song „ One, two, three, four..."
Hare: Good for you, children!
Teacher: Какая же Дженни у нас любопытная! Она шепчет мне на ушко, знаете
ли вы цвета? Children, do you know colours?
Children: Yes, we know colours!
Teacher: ( показывает детям палитру ) What colour is it ?
Children: Brown, yellow, red, green, blue, pink, grey, white, violet, black, orange.
Teacher: Well done! Let's play the game with our guest „ What colour are your
clothes? w
Hare: Good for you, children!
Teacher: Let's play the game „ Please "! ( game with commands )
Ребята, Дженни мне сказала по секрету, что ищет своих друзей. Где же они?
Children: They are in the magic bag!
Teacher: Yes, you are right! Но мешочек не открывается: нужно рассказать
Children: „ I can hop,"says the hare,
„ I can jump,"says the bear,
„ I can run,"says the dog,
„ I can swim,"says the frog.
Teacher: Вот мешочек и открылся. Но нужно угадать, кто же спрятался в нём!?
Let's play the game, guess the animals!
For example: This is a cat. I have a cat.
Hare: Thank you very much,children!
Teacher: Вот Дженни и встретилась с друзьями! Let's sing the song together!
Song „ Clap, clap, clap your hands! "
Теасhеr:Ребята, у Дженни есть сюрприз для вас: она принесла вам
шоколадки.Тhаnк you, Janny! Ребята, нашей гостье пора идти домой. Good bye!
Come again another day!
Hare: Thank you, children! Good- bye!
Teacher: Well done, children! Lesson is over. Good- bye!
Children: Good- bye!